Writer says voters will do what’s right for kids

On March 14 my friends and neighbors in Marlboro will cast their votes in support of two new schools to accommodate an ever-increasing school enrollment.

Many seniors in our community have grandchildren who attend Marlboro’s schools and schools in other communities, and I truly believe that they will gladly support our efforts to give their grandchildren and all the children of Marlboro the wonderful education that they deserve.

The moms and dads of Little League, basketball, karate, PTA, "Mommy and Me," Scouts, swim club, day camp and religious school who have become like second parents to my children and extended families to my husband and me will gladly give the $1 a day average it will cost to build the early childhood learning center and new middle school for my children and theirs.

Those parents who have already raised their children and have sent them off to college and families of their own value the education the Marlboro schools gave to their children all those years ago and will support our efforts to do the same for ours.

I believe in my heart of hearts that the residents of Marlboro will turn their backs on the disgraceful NIMBY attitude that has permeated a small section of our town and send the opponents a clear message that supporting these schools means supporting our children. This community will vote yes to continue the fine tradition of quality education that the Marlboro schools have carried with pride for years.

Faith Vidolin
