Hillsborough Senior Citizens

Hillsborough Senior Citizens
Chapter A
Starview Drive
Neshanic, NJ 08853
(908) 369-4474
President: Lou Possemato
Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Hillsborough Municipal Complex.
The purpose of this organization is for the general promotion
and advancement of the resident seniors of Hillsborough. All new
members must be residents of Hillsborough. An annual anniversary lunch is held in July and a
holiday party is held in December. Other events take place during the
year. Hillsborough Senior Citizens Chapter A also does volunteer
work within the community.
Hillsborough Senior Citizens
Chapter B
15 Lynn Court
Hillsborough, NJ 08876
(908) 874-7094
President: Virginia R. Hutson
Meetings: Regular meetings are
held the second Thursday of the
month at 1 p.m. at the Hillsborough Municipal Building. Luncheon meetings begin at noon.
Chapter B of the Hillsborough
Senior Citizens, which was established in June 1993, is reaching the
275 mark for membership. Trips, regular meetings, luncheon meet­
ings and more are planned throughout the year. The purpose
of the club is to bring together our members in a spirit of friendship
and good will and to keep our members informed of topics of interest to them and changes in our
local, state and federal government
that will affect their quality of life.
Hillsborough Senior Multi-Purpose Center
587 Amwell Road
Neshanic, NJ 08853
(908) 369-8700
Manager: Renee Filppi
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The Hillsborough Multi-Purpose Senior Center at 587 Amwell
Road offers socialization, exercise,
liquid embroidery, blood pressure
monitoring, postal service, crafts,
bingo, weekly grocery shopping,
health screenings, nutrition and
other educational programs as well
as help with taxes and medical insurance.