Borough spruce-up topic of meeting

By: Cynthia Williamson
   NEW HOPE — The Revitalization Committee will hold a public meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Eagle Fire Department to discuss its ideas for rejuvenating the borough.
   A 10-member panel of business owners and residents appointed by Council President Richard Hirschfield in January has been working with community and economic development consultant Rob Loughery to draft a revitalization plan for the borough. Mr. Loughery is president of Keystone Heritage Group of Doylestown.
   Using components of the borough’s Comprehensive Plan, the Canal Walk Master Plan and an open-space study, the committee is developing an “ambitious long-term community and commercial revitalization plan,” said Council Vice President Sharyn Keiser, the committee chairwoman.
   “Our goal is to strengthen and improve the unique characteristics and charms of the borough, while enriching the quality of life for residents and renewing commercial activity within our town’s central business district,” Ms. Keiser said.
   One of the key elements in tonight’s discussion will be the committee’s application to Pennsylvania Main Street, a program administered by the state Department of Community and Economic Development to assist communities in planning and raising money to revitalize their towns.
   The first step in the process is hiring a Main Street manager to assist the borough with drafting and implementing a five-year plan.
   “New Hope is much further ahead because of the studies that have already been completed,” Mr. Loughery said.
   Pennsylvania’s program is modeled after the National Main Street Center, which was founded in 1980 and has helped 1,500 towns across America revitalize through historic preservation and economic development.