Meeting set for June 5
By:Vanessa S. Holt
CHESTERFIELD — Following a suggestion by Township Committeeman Larry Durr, a meeting has been set to help Transfer of Development Rights credit-holders understand the program in which they are participating.
The meeting has been set for 7 p.m. June 5 at the Chesterfield Township Elementary School.
Township residents who hold Transfer of Development Rights credits may not be aware how many credits they hold, or what they can do with the credits, said Mr. Durr. In order for the TDR program to be successful, he said, everyone must be well-informed.
Development credits for each property were determined according to various criteria, including suitability for a septic system, said Mr. Durr.
“The town was basically analyzed by depth of seasonal high water table, the septic suitability, and credits were assigned for each lot and block based on a formula representative of what could be done with the property,” said Mr. Durr.
Each property was given a calculated number of credits representing the number of units that could be developed. Landowners in the “sending area” have the option to transfer their development credits to the “receiving area” where development is planned.
“We’ve taken it for granted that everybody knew about it, but I suspect there are people who don’t know they even have credits or don’t know what to do with them,” said Mr. Durr.
Planning Board Solicitor Fred Hardt will conduct the meeting, which will include a brief synopsis of what is being done with credits.
The program will familiarize credit-holders with how the register their credits, use them and transfer them, said Township Clerk Bonnie Haines.
Approximately 120 landowners own credits, she said, but not everyone understands the TDR process.
Councilman Larry Durr said there is a need for education in the matter of development credits, as people are now actively looking to buy TDR credits.
“Some of us, being active in the way this program was developed, think everybody knows what’s going on, but there hasn’t been any formal education about the credits,” he explained. “We think there’s a need to at least enlighten everyone who is a credit holder.”
Each credit holder will receive something in the mail about the meeting. Credit holders in both the sending and receiving areas of the township will be invited, and there may also be interested developers attending the meeting.
“Everyone needs a little education of how we expect this to work,” said Mr. Durr. “I hope for a big turnout and a good meeting.”