Roast ’em alive

Manville High School staff torment graduating seniors

By:Mary Ellen Zangara
What do you get when you put 53 high school seniors in a room full of people who tell all their deep dark secrets? In our town it’s called the Manville High School Annual Senior Roast.
Last Wednesday night that’s exactly what took place at the Manville-Hillsborough Elks. Seniors, their families and friends came out to hear the staff of MHS tell all.
After a buffet dinner, the staff was hot and ready to roast those soon-to-be graduates. Roasters included Kathy Kovatch, Barry Kotler, David Foster, Mary Rosen, Karen Ziemianek and Helen Rowlings.
Each had specific seniors and had to talk to friends and their families to find out the dirt on them. All their embarrassing moments and secrets came to life.
According to Helen Rowlings, "Think of a roast. Can smell aroma, trigger your taste buds of spices. Now it is time. The dictionary definition of a roast is to cook with dry heat as in an oven or to expose to excessive heat."
She also said "The honorees are the meat, we have the power to turn up the heat; ridicule or insult and criticize. I can smell the meat beginning to sizzle! Remember it is all in fun." And fun it was.
On Jessica Breslow — she was running along the hot, light-colored sand when all of a sudden a shell attacks and eats away at her foot. Her knight in shinning armor comes to her rescue with sand repellant and a Band-Aid.
Christine Dakis had one of those embarrassing moments when Mary Rosen reminded her about her fifth-grade years.
Christine used to play the saxophone and her leg was in a cast for one of the band concerts. In the middle of one of the songs Christine lost her balance and fell off the risers.
Jill Reilly always told Ms. Rosen that she was her favorite teacher and Ms. Rosen actually believed her until she overheard Jill telling the same thing to another teacher.
Melissa Kosensky while at the Bridgewater Commons mall had a bag of candy, walking up the escalator, tripped and fell on the top step. The candy rolled down the escalator and the escalator tried to suck her up.
David Foster has a few good stories to tell. He commented on Katie McGinnis about how she crashed into a front porch and said "She really brings you to your front door!"
He had a good one on Michael Buffi. Michael had to write a paper and he proceeded by, "I am a Honda Civic. I have two doors and four wheels."
When his teacher asked what is this — Michael replied, "This is my autobiography." Everyone has a good laugh at that one.
There were many more stories and secrets told about the graduating class.
Something new this year, as each of the roasters introduced their special honoree, they had to come up and stand in front of everyone. This made it more interesting to see their expressions on their faces as all was being told.
We had many laughs listening to the staff as they told little tidbits they gathered from their faithful friends. Some even told their friends how dare they tell.
Some of the secrets the parents didn’t even know until the beans were spilled that night. Most of the stories as told by friends and families were quite humorous. If you knew the senior, as I know many of them, you had to laugh and enjoy their life’s secrets and moments they’ve had.
This was all started years ago as a fun way to end four years of high school.
Way back this was just an athletes dinner only for those involved in sports. I don’t remember the dinner when I was a senior so I think it started after I graduated. The dinner was changed to honor all seniors not just the athletes.
Before this year’s dinner came to a close, Karen Ziemanik, the Vice Principal’s secretary had a special roast to make. This honor was to long time Vice Principal Ned Panfile who retired this year, "Mr. P" as he is known to many devoted 41 years to the district.
Karen came up with a top 10 list of things he could do now that he is retired: 10) sleep late, getting up at 6 a.m.; 9) aggravate his wife, Barbara; 8) take diction lessons; 7) take senior citizen bus trips; 6) go to Kmart for the blue light specials; 5) use his senior citizen discount for dinner at the IHOP; 4) will not be aggravating his secretary; 3) run for the Board of Education; 2) play bingo at Atlantic City and 1) will be missed by all people.
After she was done, Mr. P. received a standing ovation and he thanked all the seniors, his last graduating class from MHS. He said he will miss the high school but jokingly said "I’m only still across the street."
The night ended and all involved were pleased to have another fun roast honoring the senior class at MHS.
Mary Ellen Zangara is a lifelong resident of Manville.