Beware the slithering carpet monster

By:Allison Singer
To the editor:
The following is a poem done in an independent project session about the state of the carpets in her classrooms.:
"Killer Carpets"
A poem by Allison Singer
It rose from the ground, a moldy green

The horrific carpet from room B13

The duct tape was no match for this matted-down rug

It contained coffee stains, fungus and slug

It devoured broken computers, every table, every chair

It consumed every item and left nothing to spare

And when this monstrosity found nothing more

It picked itself up and crept out the door

It glopped through the hallways, it glooped through each room

No student was safe, the school had met its doom

"What can we do?" the Board said with a scream

"The Board of Health claims that it’s perfectly clean!"

The rug kept on eating, and in its wrath

It engulfed every person that lay in its path

This fiery fiend ate all the land

The situation had clearly gotten out of hand

So, please, let this be a lesson to all

And be sure not to let the Middle School fall

To a dangerous carpet, so contaminated and wild

To think: If the floor had only been tiled!
Allison Singer
Odell Court