County supporting the wrong ferry project

II see by the Independent that our ever-generous freeholders have allocated another $1,049,000 to the troubled Belford Ferry Project, bringing the total to roughly $34,754,000 in taxpayer funds.

It seems that, like Old Man River, the Belford project just keeps going — despite the fact that it is almost universally opposed by Belford residents and held to be highly questionable by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Meanwhile, we see a strong and growing movement in neighboring Keyport in support of a ferry project. But we do not see any freeholder funding.

Will our freeholders kindly explain why it is wiser to put a ferry where the citizens don’t want it than where they do?

Will our freeholders help us understand why it is prudent to accept one bid by one service provider, who refuses to post a reasonable bond to make sure it delivers the service promised?

Will our freeholders promise to resign and reimburse taxpayers if the ferry closes after it opens, or never opens at all?

Will our freeholders disclose which, if any, ferry principals, participants or affiliates have made contributions to their campaigns or their parties, and in what amounts?

Will our freeholders assure us that they will not be rewarded with ferry-related make-believe jobs in the future, as some have been and are being rewarded with double-dipping Garden State Parkway positions?

Most importantly, will our freeholders tell us why they refuse to put the ferry question to voters in a referendum, or even a competent survey? It might show them how far out of touch they are.

Come on, freeholders. It’s time to start telling us the truth. And stop telling us your ferry tales.

Fred Walker
