Path for walking, running or biking in Woods Road Park under consideration
By: Michael Arges
EAST WINDSOR – Bicyclists and walkers may soon be able to
look forward to a new scenic route through East Windsor’s open spaces.
The Township Council is exploring the possibility of a
bikeway linking Woods Road near the Berwick intersection with Old York Road
(Route 539) near the Pemberton Lane intersection.
The bikeway would run through the open space in the Woods
Road Park and "turnpike park," just behind the homes on the southwest side
of Pemberton Lane.
The council members will consider a proposal at their
July 11 meeting to apply to the state DOT for $185,020 to construct the
bike path.
"We think it’s an exciting idea," commented Mayor Janice
Mironov. "It’s a great means of linking up the open space that the township
has acquired in that part of the township. We think it will be a great
amenity to residents in that area."
According to a proposal made public at last week’s
council meeting, the pathway from Woods Road to park land next to the
turnpike will be constructed of asphalt pavement two inches thick and 10 feet
wide. The bikeway through the Turnpike Park will be a path made of crushed
and compacted stone four inches thick and 8 feet wide. The cost includes
grading and clearing.