Salary ordinance calls for 3 percent raises

By:John Tredrea
   Pennington Borough employees would get a 3 percent raise under a one-year contract introduced by the Pennington Borough Council during its brief Monday night meeting.
   The contract was introduced in the form of an ordinance that the council passed unanimously on first reading.
   Expected to be scheduled for council’s Aug. 7 meeting is an adoption vote on the ordinance on the annual contract renewal, which covers all borough employees except the police department. Contract negotiations between borough council and the police have been ongoing for several months.
   IN OTHER BUSINESS during its Monday night meeting, Council voted unanimously to appoint Karen Waldron borough clerk, effective July 1.
   On that date, Sharon Reed retired after holding the clerk’s position since 1971.
   Ms. Waldron has been borough administrator for several years. The $65,000 annual salary she was receiving for that job will stay the same now that she has been named borough clerk, as well.
   Another ordinance introduced by a unanimous council vote, and expected to be put to an adoption vote next month, would authorize putting a stop sign on the northbound side of Eglantine Avenue’s intersection with East Franklin Avenue. Residents of nearby homes have requested the stop sign as a safety measure they say is needed to protect young children from increasing traffic levels.
   Under the ordinance introduced Monday night, a stop sign also would be put at the eastern end of eastbound East Franklin Avenue.
   Council also voted unanimously to support proposed state legislation that would require all guns sold in this state to be child-proofed.