Township to finish development’s roads and sewers

Will charge builder for improvements

By: David Weinstein
   Final improvements at Princeton Gate will be completed now that the Township Council has agreed to reallocate money originally budgeted in 1996 to buy disputed land in the development.
   The council voted unanimously Tuesday to provide money to address infrastructure concerns in the development left in limbo by VAST NJ, the Lavalette developer of Princeton Gate.
   The money originally was to be used to buy land from VAST, but due to litigation over property at the Route 522/Route 1 intersection, the land now will be donated to the township and the money will instead be used for infrastructure improvements.
   In 1996, the township passed an ordinance that allocated $1.8 million to purchase property from VAST. The property was then to be used to improve the intersection of Route 522, also known as Promenade Boulevard, and Route 1.
   Because the township has been in litigation with VAST for more than a year over various disagreements, the improvements have been pushed back. And, township officials said, the property originally to be bought in 1996 will be donated to South Brunswick from the developers.
   This allows the township to use a portion of the $1.8 million to complete the work in Princeton Gate.
   Township Attorney Bert Busch said the township, in the course of litigation, will look to the recover the $1.2 million it will spend on the improvements.
   Township Manager Matthew Watkins said Wednesday the township had to take the initiative because the health and safety of residents in Princeton Gate was becoming a concern.
   "Improve is a broad term in this matter," he said.
   "We’ll take care of anything that has not had final inspection, like the storm sewers and roads, that need final paving. These things have never been done. This money allows us to do that," Mr. Watkins said.
   Litigation between South Brunswick Township and VAST NJ is ongoing.