Scouts do not deserve ‘bigot’ label

To the editor:
   I am writing to express my happiness with our Supreme Court’s decision in the Boy Scouts case vs. James Dale.
   The term "bigot" is so frequently used these days, and couldn’t be further from the truth concerning the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts accept anyone, but have pledges and rules that people voluntarily subscribe to as members.
   A member in a leadership position should emulate the principles and values that are defined by that organization. In the case of James Dale, homosexual behavior does not model healthy or moral judgment, two values the Boy Scouts strive to promote.
   As a nurse, I feel it may responsibility to talk about this behavior for what it really is, and what I would tell any of my clients: the truth.
   Anal intercourse is harmful to the human body. The anal muscles are not intended for this behavior and become weak when used in this way. This is a health fact.
   Furthermore, this behavior exposes the homosexual to a variety of viruses and bacteria that were never intended to enter the human body. I firmly believe that homosexuality is a disorder with psychological, spiritual and emotional causes.
   I am so grateful to our Supreme Court that they stood for the Boy Scouts of America.
Laura Burshnic
Zion Road