73 Bridge St. being transformed
By: Les Sdorow
LAMBERTVILLE – The formerly condemned property at 73 Bridge St. is undergoing a rapid transformation into a building suitable for habitation.
At last week’s City Council meeting, Donald Hart was recognized for coming to the town’s rescue by purchasing the property and immediately beginning the process of removing mounds of debris and doing basic renovations to make it safe and appealing to another prospective owner.
Mr. Hart, who said he purchased the property as a short-term investment that he hopes to sell, received the council’s thanks for his efforts.
The property, previously owned by Christopher Carson, had been condemned because of various safety violations, particularly being a fire hazard. A major fear was it was in danger of imminent collapse.
In commenting on that possibility, an anonymous neighbor, appalled at its condition, had remarked sarcastically, "It can’t fall down because all the junk inside is holding it up."
As it turned out, she might not have been far from the truth. Mr. Hart informed council it was a major project just to remove the debris that filled every nook and cranny of the building. He reported several trash bins full of debris already had been carted away.
Mr. Hart also expressed his pleasure at the possibility the building would soon be purchased and become a viable property.
"There are two gentlemen interested in the property," he said, choosing not to name them. "They have a good track record doing renovations in the city."
Mr. Hart received praise from council member Cynthia Ege.
"I want to thank you for investing in the property," she said.
In a matter affecting Mr. Hart’s own home, which has the borderline between Lambertville and West Amwell running through it, council agreed to work toward a minor land swap with West Amwell that would solve that problem.
The proposed property exchange would be presented first to the planning boards of both municipalities before being presented for adoption. The ordinance proposing the land exchange will be discussed at the Sept. 18 council meeting.