Skating facility shuts out cyclists

To the editor:
   The following is an open letter to the Parks and Recreation committees.
   As freestyle bicycle riders and tax-paying members of Hillsborough, we feel shut out from the township’s newest facility in Ann Van Middlesworth Park.
   Many of us attended the initial meetings with Dave Redlawsk years ago when a skatepark was first proposed. At the time, we felt our interests in this facility as bike riders were understood by the township. We, like the skateboarders and in-line skaters, were excited as we saw the park being built and finally open earlier in the summer.
   Boy, were we surprised to be shut out of it. We’re not sure when or how our interests and stake in the park were overlooked but we feel betrayed. How can both commissions overlook the needs of bike riders in this town?
   We’re like to see one of three things happen:
   1. Open the present facility to bike riders, even if it means splitting the current hours to accommodate us.
   2. Expand the present facility by adding additional ramps etc. to accommodate bike riders.
   3. Construct a separate facility for bike riders using the existing park as a model, perhaps making some of the jumps/ramps larger to better accommodate bikes. Share existing park until this is finished.
   We are willing to meet with both committees to discuss these options and work with you in accommodating the needs of bike riders.
Richard and Michael Blonna
Wallace Boulevard
Neshanic Station