Suspect taken to hospital without incident
By:Laura Toto
Residents of Pond Court in
Belle Mead got a rude awakening
early Sept. 28.
Police received a call at 7:10
a.m. from the residents of 14 Pond
Court reporting an intruder was inside their residence with a gun. The
call came from a male resident with
the gun.
Police evacuated residents or
asked them to remain in the basements of 14 Pond Court and its immediate neighbors, while officers
remained in telephone contact with
the residents of 14 Pond Court.
The residents told police they
could leave safely and did so without harm.
"About 20-25 minutes after, we
got there the man came out of the
back door and was holding the
gun," Lt. David Murphy said.
Police took the man, whom
they declined to identify, to Somerset Medical Center for evaluation.
Police reported the man was
disoriented and possibly under the
influence of alcohol.