Reward offered for returned jewelry

By:Jeff Mikalaitis
   CHESTERFIELD – A township resident is offering a reward for any information leading to the return of antique jewelry taken during a Sept. 19 burglary at a home on Barbara Drive.
   Sgt. Kyle Wilson said 16 items that the resident had inherited were taken from the home.
   The items taken include a platinum wrist watch set with diamonds, a gold wedding band set with diamonds, a sapphire bracelet, a sapphire ring and topaz earrings.
   Sgt. Wilson would not comment on the exact value of the jewelry, but said the items are worth a significant amount.
   The resident called police on Sept. 19 at 9:20 p.m. after returning home and finding the items missing.
   Police were able to make a positive identification of a suspect from a fingerprint left at the scene.
   Jason Paul Garrison, 20, Hamilton was arrested on Sept. 20 and charged with burglary and theft, said Sgt. Wilson.
   Mr. Garrison is currently lodged in Burlington County Jail on $5,000 bail.
   Sgt. Wilson said none of the items stolen has been recovered.
   He said police are sure more than one person participated in the burglary.
   The amount of the reward has not been disclosed, but will depend on the amount of jewelry recovered, he said.
   Anyone with information on the stolen items should call the Chesterfield Police at (609) 291-0912.