By: Jennifer Potash
A public session for Princeton Borough residents to express their views about a possible parking garage and other related development downtown has been set for Oct. 19.
The meeting with Desman Associates, the firm looking at the feasibility of the garage project at the two borough-owned sites on Spring Street and North Tulane Street, will start at 7:30 p.m. at Princeton Borough Hall.
"This is for anyone who has comments, concerns, ideas or visions for what we might do on those properties," said Borough Administrator Robert Bruschi. "It’s a real opportunity to help shape the discussion as Desman works on the final report."
There will be other opportunities for public participation but that will largely be limited to reaction to the final report, he said.
Desman’s final report should be submitted to the Borough Council by late November or early December, Mr. Bruschi said.
Residents who are unable to attend the meeting may submit questions or statements in advance to the Borough Administrator’s office.