Candidates’ Night set Oct. 26

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League of Women Voters of Hopewell Valley
   The eight candidates running for municipal office in Hopewell Township, Hopewell Borough, and Pennington will debate the issues at a Candidates’ Night Forum on Thursday, Oct. 26.
   Sponsored by the Hopewell Valley League of Women Voters, the event will be hold from 7:30-9 p.m. in the TV studio at Hopewell Central High School, Pennington. The public is invited to attend.
   According to Pam Crabtree, League vice president, candidates from the three municipalities will participate together in one debate. Members of the public will be invited to submit questions in writing.
   The following local candidates have been invited to participate: Hopewell Township – John Hart and Fran Bartlett; Hopewell Borough -David Knights, David Nettles and Stephen Webb; Pennington – Bob Di Falco, Nancy Ross, and Kenneth Baker.
   Refreshments will be served.
   Voting information is available on the web at, or by calling the League at 1-800-792-VOTE. Access the on-line voters guide, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of NJ and the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, at
   The General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 7.
   THE Hopewell Valley League provides voter registration forms for new residents, keeps citizens informed about absentee ballots and change of address deadlines, and hosts candidate forums.
   The local League is part of a nonprofit, non-partisan national organization that promotes political responsibility through informed voters. Local residents are invited to join the League, during its annual membership drive.
   This year League members are focusing efforts on voting by registering voters at community events. Also they are initiating Kids Voting, a Valleywide program to educate children about the importance of voting. With the focus on voter registration and education, key members of the school community were invited to help the League celebrate at their opening Pep Rally last month.
   For membership in the local League, send $42 check payable to LWVHV, PO Box 82, Pennington, 08534. Include name, address phone, and e-mail address. Call Ms. Crabtree, 737-8233, for more information.