Ramblers Biddies defeat Pohatcong

   LAMBERTVILLE – The Lambertville Ramblers will play their final game of the season Oct. 29 when they host the Phillipsburg Police Athletic League team at Ely Memorial Field on North Main Street.
   Sunday, the Ramblers’ Biddy Division defeated the Pohatcong Warriors 13-7.
   The Biddies scored their first touchdown when Carl Snell carried the ball to the 2-yard line, and Ryan Marriott ran for the touchdown on the next play. An extra run by Garret Williamson failed.
   In second-quarter action, a drive by the Ramblers was capped by a 15-yard touchdown pass from Garret Williamson to Carl Snell. The Ramblers’ Tom Wilson scored the extra point.
   The Midget division scored two touchdowns and an extra point, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the Warriors, who won 27-13.
   Jessie Fennimore ran 20 yards to score a touchdown in the first quarter, also earning the Ramblers the extra point.
   In the fourth quarter, Glenn Tabasko’s touchdown pass to Will Barry put the Ramblers on the scoreboard again.
   The Flag division lost 56-7. Scoring for the Ramblers was Ray Brown, who ran 55 yards for a touchdown on a pass-play from Cody Stintsman.