Traffic problem, heavy road use justify Riva Avenue radar zone

I am writing in response to the article in the Nov. 29 issue of the Sentinel regarding the "speed trap" on Riva Avenue in Milltown ("Police Say Radar Zone Is Fair").

I have been familiar with Milltown for more than 30 years and purchased a home here seven years ago, as I was charmed by its small town appeal.

Since that time, l have seen many of our local streets become inundated with traffic as the areas around us become developed. Main Street and Washington Avenue are just some of the examples of the roads in our town that have become much more heavily traveled by motorists looking for a shortcut to their destination. These roads have been widened to accommodate the traffic.

I live on Riva Avenue, not far from where the alleged "speed trap" is located. I would like to state that it is not unusual for me to have to wait several minutes to leave my driveway due to the traffic which, in my opinion, is moving significantly faster than the 25 mph limit.

I agree with Milltown Police Chief Raymond Geipel in his assessment of stopping the speeders who are leaving Milltown where the speed limit is 25 mph from the beginning of Riva Avenue, versus the 40 mph to 25 mph change coming into town. I don’t see many vehicles being stopped coming into town, although I do see many hitting their brakes after spotting the police car. I applaud the Milltown Police officers for their efforts.

I have two possible solutions. East Brunswick should consider lowering its speed limit to 25 mph as Riva Avenue winds out of town. Or those who use Riva Avenue as a shortcut should look to staying on the main thoroughfares such as Route 1 or Route 130, although at times traffic does not move much faster than 25 mph on these alternates.

Lou Bisogno Jr.
