On behalf of the American Heart Association and as a Monmouth County businessman, I want to say thank you Monmouth County! The 2000 Monmouth County American Heart Walk was a great success. A record-setting $185,000 was raised to help support the American Heart Association and its fight against New Jersey’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers — heart disease and stroke.
Featuring the theme "Step Out, Save Lives! — Strengthen the Chain of Survival," nearly 2,700 walkers and volunteers joined us at Monmouth County American Heart Walk to help bring attention to the importance of "strengthening the chain of survival," a four-step process that can mean the difference between life and death for a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack and stroke. Strengthen your chain of survival and save the life of someone you love by learning CPR.
The success of Monmouth County American Heart Walk would not have been possible without the support provided by volunteers, supporters, walkers and teams.
Charlie Parton
2000 Chairman
Monmouth County American Heart Walk