A former councilman and a newcomer to the Roosevelt Borough Council were sworn into office when the governing body reorganized on Jan. 2.
Jeff Hunt, who served on the council for several years in the 1990s before opting not to seek re-election when his term expired, rejoined the panel for a three-year term after winning election in November.
Neil Marko was sworn in to begin his first term on the governing body.
Neither Hunt nor Marko addressed the audience after being sworn into office.
The majority of the meeting was devoted to appointments of officials to boards and other positions in the borough.
Councilman Harry Parker was nominated and elected to the council presidency by a vote of 3-0 with two abstentions. Parker voted for himself, along with Councilman John Towle and Marko. Hunt and Councilwoman Judith Trachtenberg abstained. Councilman George Vasseur was absent from the meeting.
Marko was appointed to the Planning Board by a vote of 3-2, with Marko, Hunt and Trachten-berg voting in favor of the appointment, and Towle and Parker voting against the ap-pointment.
That followed Parker’s nomination to the Planning Board, which was voted down, 3-2, with Marko, Hunt and Trachtenberg opposed, and Parker and Towle in favor.
Ralph Seligman, Jane Rothfuss and David Ticktin were also appointed to the Planning Board.
Trachtenberg was appointed to the environmental commission and Mayor Michael Hamilton was appointed to represent the council at the Roosevelt Board of Education, saying he would try to attend as much as he could.
Vasseur, who officials said was absent from the reorganization meeting after having broken his ankle, was appointed liaison to the borough’s senior citizen group and the Americans with Disabilities Act compliance officer.