Washington PTA marks Founder’s Day

Awards presented to Florence Gange and Sharon DeVito for volunteerism.

   WASHINGTON — "The National PTA grew from a seed … the seed of an idea planted over 100 years ago in the mind of American motherhood. It was organized as the National Congress of Mothers, but since 1924 it has been known as the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, and is popularly called the PTA.
   "It was and still is dedicated to the high purpose of promoting the welfare of children by enlightening efforts on the part of the parents and the educators of the nation. It was needed yesterday, it is needed today, it will be needed tomorrow; needed wherever there are children and youth to be guided into responsible adulthood and effective citizenship."
   That is how Nancy Munn, president of the Washington Township PTA, began the annual Founder’s Day celebration.
   In addition to celebrating the purpose and usefulness of our local and national PTAs, the Founder’s Day celebration serves to award two lifetime memberships to members who demonstrate exemplary volunteerism in advocating for children.
   This year’s awards went to Sharon DeVito and Florence Gange.
   Ms. DeVito has served for the past two years on the executive board as the school board liaison for the PTA. She volunteers many hours publishing the district newsletter, NEWSLINE, and is currently secretary of the Washington Education Foundation.
   She also serves on the school celebrations committee and volunteered to help on the fourth-grade transition to Pond Road and to help audit the books for the PTA treasury. Ms. DeVito also has been outstanding in her efforts in special education and is active in the school community at the Katzenbach School for the Deaf.
   Ms. Ganges has served on the Washington Township school board for more than five years, as president and currently a vice president. She served as the president during a critical time in the district. Ms. Gange led the district through the passing of the school referendum that resulted in the new addition to Sharon School and renovations at Pond Road Middle School. She also led the search in the hiring of the current superintendent, Paul Harren.
   Ms. Munn congratulated her for always having the best interest of the school district at heart and for giving many hours of her free time to the community.
   After the presentation of the awards the Sharon School Chorus and newly formed Instrumental Ensemble performed, led by Catherine Naughton, Sharon School music teacher.
Information provided by Tracey McCarthy-Scialfa for the Washington Township PTA.