Open space fund to increase taxes

Upper Freehold municipal tax rate remains stable; preservation to add 3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.

By: Frank C. D’Amico
   UPPER FREEHOLD — The township’s proposed budget projects no tax rate increase, but the Township Committee has decided to add a 3-cent open space levy to residents’ bills.
   Last November, voters gave the committee the authority to add up to 3 cents for open space and farmland preservation.
   The municipal tax rate, which already includes a penny for farmland preservation, would remain 18.6 cents per $100 of assessed property valuation. With the 3-cent open space tax, the combined rate would be 21.6 cents per $100.
   A resident who owns a house valued at the township average of $208,000 would pay $386.88 in municipal taxes, plus an additional $62.40 for the open space fund.
   Township Business Administrator Barbara Bascom said the municipal tax rate for 2001 remained stable because of an increase in ratables.
   The new budget, introduced at the Feb. 28 committee meeting, totals $4.35 million, an increase of approximately $611,000. The spending plan calls for $678,000 to be raised through taxes, Ms. Bascom said.
   It provides for the hiring of one person for the Finance Department, one for administration, two in public works, two in fire services and one part-time person in the Construction Department.
   A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for 7 p.m. March 28.