Letter to the editor
By:Walt Rodgers
The curfew is dead. In it’s death throes, it showcased an energetic, vocal, volatile Township Committee. A far, far cry from the usual rubber-stamp scerarios at committee meetings.
At the preceding work meeting, the library staff made an excellent presentation for additional space. Using state and county guidelines, the staff showed that our library is far smaller than our population warrants.
The staff recorded almost 1,000 contacts (books out, books in, info requests, etc.) daily last year. And they serve the entire township population.
They are requesting slightly less than $1 million.
Since our mayor also sits on the Planning Board, he should have no problem finding the ways and means to provie a library that can serve its constituents (taxpaying voters) admirably.
Frank Scarantino followed the library staff with his status presentation of park renovations. The township borrowed $5.5 million to provide recreational facilities for 8,000 amateur athletes.
"Behind schedule" are not encouraging words during an update. His update did not provide the committee with status of a lawsuit pending resulting from the Woodfern recreational facility.
The committee was presented with two needs for funds. A $1 million expansion library serving 35,000 people at $28 per person, and a recreational program of $5.5 million for 8,000 athletes at $687 per athlete.