From the March 22 edition of the Register-News

100 years ago
   The friends of Professor Harry
Harrison, the young athlete who is now
a helpless paralytic, are ar-ranging to
give him a monster benefit performance
on March 25, either in the Taylor Opera
House or Association Hall, Trenton.
   Professor Harrison is the young
wire walker who, it will be remem­
bered, fell and was nearly killed, while
giving an open air exhibition of his skill
at Bordentown on Christmas afternoon.
   He fell a distance of 65 feet and for a
time his life as despaired of. He was
only recently about to leave St. Francis
Hospital, and can now only get around
with the aid of crutches.
   The proposed benefit is to procure
him funds that he may take special
treatment in the hopes that he may
eventually recover the use of his limbs.
   Two piano covers and a large dic­
tionary that were stolen from the public
school some time ago were found this
week in an unused shed on the outskirts
of the town. The owner of the place
promptly informed the school officials
and restored the articles. No one knows
how they came there; they were tied up
ready for removal.
80 years ago
   Walter Doyle of Florence, well
known in Bordentown, was ar-rested in
Trenton last Friday night charged with
attempting to enter the jewelry store of
Charles Dietz on south Broad street. He
was de-tected by the proprietor while in
the act of entering a rear window of the
   Some idea of what it is like to have
a steady bombardment going on within
a short distance of your home has been
gained by local people in the last few
weeks and especially this week. Sounds
as of big guns have been heard steadily
each day since Thomas Lovett started
operations in the Bonaparte Park estate
of Harris Hammond, blasting out the
big stumps of old trees that have been
cut down in recent years.
   James D. Black of Jobstown will
leave in a few days on the first stage of
a trip to Honolulu, where he will spend
several months. Mr. Black will accom­
pany his niece, Mrs. Allen Lowrey, and
her husband to their home in the Pacific
75 years ago
   The men of Christ Church Brother­
hood are preparing to serve a "Pancake
Supper" in their clubrooms at the Colo­
nial Apartments. Sausage with "all the
pancakes you can eat" is their slogan.
   Walter Skirm, of Mary Street, was
seriously injured when a heavy plank
fell into an 18-foot well in which he
was working at the city water works on
Friday afternoon. Fellow workmen res­
cued him from drowning and rushed
him to the office of C.D. Mendelhall.
He is recovering.
60 years ago
   Bordentown expended $280.87 for re­
lief during February, Mayor William c.
Warrack revealed Tuesday evening.
This represented the city’s expenditures
for food, milk, coal, fuel and medical
attention for relief families.
   Ten acts of vaudeville have been
booked for the floor show portion of
the "Charter Night" at St. Mary’s Gym,
which will be sponsored by the Roose­
velt Democratic Club on Monday eve­
ning. This affair is the only local enter­
tainment scheduled for St. Patrick’s
   Bordentown’s Deer Club will be­
come affiliated with the Burlington
County Game Protective League in the
near future. About 60 members of the
local organization have already filled
out their applications for membership
in the county organization.
Compiled by Vanessa Sarada Holt from
The Bordentown Register, 1901-1941.