Thanks to $1 million in "extraordinary aid" from the state, Manville Borough taxes will not increase as much as the preliminary budget proposed.
By:Laura Pelner
Instead of rising $1,600, taxes on properties assessed at the borough average of $138,000 will increase between $1,100 and $1,200, including the increase for schools approved two weeks ago by the council. "It’ll reduce (the increase) we have now by $400 to $500," said Mayor Corradino.
Extraordinary aid is given to municipalities that experience unforeseen problems and need monetary support, as Manville does. Mayor Corradino cited two reasons why the borough has needed financial help in the past few years the discovery of creosote under a housing development, and Hurricane Floyd.
These two situations cost the borough a substantial amount of ratables, and until it can get more money it will be dependent on state help.
"As our ratables increase we’ll decrease what we’re asking from the state," said Mayor Corradino.
He said that Manville has received discretionary aid from the state for the last seven or eight years.
"Four years ago we hoped it would be the last time we would have to apply but now we’re right back where we started from," he said. "It’s going to take four or five years for us to get back to being independent, where we’re not asking for state aid."
Even with the $1 million in extraordinary aid, which is double what Manville received last year, the borough is facing a deficit. Mayor Corradino said the borough needs $2.7 million to balance the budget so taxes don’t increase.
He said he has contacted assemblyman Kip Bateman (R-Branchburg) to obtain additional money from the state, and possibly from the governor’s office if there are additional flood funds left.
Manville’s 2001 budget won’t be finalized until the borough hears from the Legislature or Acting Gov. Donald DiFrancesco about the extra funds. At the Borough Council meeting on Tuesday night, Mayor Corradino said the budget has not been amended yet. He said, though, that he hopes it will be done by June 30.
Borough Councilman Thomas Weiss said the borough administration and chief financial officers are meeting and soon will make a presentation about where the borough stands financially.
Mayor Corradino added that a $1,100 tax increase is not feasible and if the borough does not receive additional money from the state it will have to make cuts somewhere in the budget.