Grading policy exempts seniors
   The Board of Education approved a new grading policy which allows seniors to skip class finals in full-year classes if they have achieved a 90-percent of higher grade average in the third and fourth marking periods.
   The policy was adopted by a vote of 8-1, with Blair Meiser casting the lone dissent.
   I have spoken to a number of students and I hold to my position, Mr. Meiser said. I believe what were doing is encouraging the wrong behavior, namely senior-itis.
Sunnymead staff recognized at meeting

   The Board of Education applauded the efforts of the staff of Sunnymead Elementary School, which was recently honored with the U.S. Department of Educations Blue Ribbon School award and the N.J. Department of Education Star School award.
   It is my distinct pleasure to introduce this evenings recognition ceremony, and its very unusual that we have a recognition ceremony and no students and all adults, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Gulick said.
   He then noted the achievements Sunnymead School received, and noted that Hillsborough Middle School was also named a Blue Ribbon school in 1997.
   The fact that this district has, in a four-year period, earned two Blue Ribbon awards speaks about the support this community gives its schools and our staff, he said.
   A group of teachers from Sunnymead attending the meeting were then introduced by Sunnymead Principal Linda Gross, who noted, It demonstrates the high level of curriculum we have in Hillsborough.
Middle school passes air quality tests

   Dr. Gulick announced the school has completed a list of repairs and improvements planned to improve air quality, and implemented a new cleaning schedule.
   For every item that we had publicly committed to pursue, we have met the goal we set, he said.
   The board also accepted bids for several flooring projects, installation of ceiling tiles and installation of air conditioning in the school at the meeting, part of the work being done to reduce dust inside the crowded building. The board awarded a contract Mid-Atlantic HVAC for $2,361,000 for the air conditioning work.
   Dr. Gulick also said air quality testing has continued at HMS, and that, Since my last report, there have been no problems … regarding air quality.
   Questions regarding the cleanliness and air quality at the school arose last year, after maintenance workers reported filters in the schools air system were not being maintained properly.
Nearly all classrooms wired with computers

   District supervisor of technology Jennifer Hunsinger reported all Hillsborough classrooms will have at least one computer in the near future.
   While updating the board on the status of the districts technology plan, Ms. Hunsinger told the board all classrooms for fourth-grades and up currently have four computers and most of the earlier grades have one.
   But the districts goal is for every class in kindergarten through the high school to have at least one computer.
   Theres a good chance we will build donated computers this summer and meet that goal this fall, she said.
Music department receives new piano

   A grand piano was donated to the Hillsborough Middle School Music Department by Aurora and J.J. Penna, one of five donations accepted at last weeks meeting.
   Ron McDaniel donated a 200 Mhz computer, with color monitor, speakers and printer; John Van Cleef donated gymnastic equipment for the high school gymnastics team and Mazda-North America donated office equipment, including 14 desks, six file cabinets and three storage tables.
   The board also accepted a $1,000 donation from the Hillsborough Education Foundation to purchase a weather station for the high school.