Heartfelt thanks to Old Bridge Elks Lodge No. 2229 and to the Bent Fenders for their volunteer efforts for Old Bridge’s R.O.BI.N. Friday Night Fun Program for teens and adults with disabilities.
These volunteers were recently presented with our organization’s 2001 R.O.BI.N. Humanitarian Award of Notable Achievement and Excellence for Unselfish Devotion to the Individuals With Disabilities Who Attended the R.O.B.I.N. Friday Night Fun Luau on Aug. 3, 2001.
The Old Bridge Elks volunteers provided a barbecue dinner, and the Bent Fenders provided an evening of music and prizes for the Friday Night participants. The R.O.BI.N. staff did a great job of coordinating this luau event, which included a contest for the best luau costumes for both male and female categories.
When the R.O.B.I.N. facility opened in 1998, we could not have imagined how much this program would grow to serve our children and the individuals who attend from other townships. The Friday Night Fun Program is a wonderful social evening enabling our children to attend events and functions that most of us take for granted.
We are very grateful to the mayor, the Old Bridge Township Council, the Recreation Department, the Middlesex County Transportation Department and the wonderful, dedicated, loving R.O.BI.N. staff members who work with our children in providing the wonderful programs.
Most of all we are grateful to volunteers such as the Old Bridge Elks and the Bent Fenders who put smiles on many faces. The individuals with disabilities who attend the R.O.BI.N. programs deeply appreciate your efforts on their behalf.
Barbara Erosh-Anderson
Special Projects for Special Children Inc.
Old Bridge