MOMTalk meeting will feature yoga instructor

MOMTalk, a support group for mothers (or fathers) with young children, will hold a meeting from 10 a.m. to noon on Aug. 14 at the East Brunswick Congregational Church, 402 New Brunswick Ave.

Yoga instructor Daria Hartman will discuss the benefits of yoga for stress management and energy. She also will guide participants in several yoga postures.

The group, which meets every Tuesday, offers adult interaction in a drop-in format. Parents may come with their children for any amount of the two-hour period. Moms (or dads) talk to other adults while their children play in the same carpeted room.

Children’s snacks should be brought in spill-safe containers.

A speaker is featured once a month. Excursions ranging from visits to a firehouse to a trip to the beach are planned every month. The group will tour the East Brunswick post office on Aug. 28. A storyteller will visit in September.

For more information, call (732) 416-9231, or visit the group’s Web site at