Letters to the editor

For the week of Aug. 30.

Only ‘selfish, heartless’

could support high school
To the editor:
   To me and those of my generation, humanity and love of community come from the heart. So many things that at first seem amazingly complex turn out amazingly simple. The purely elemental has a way of ambushing itself from behind its screen of mystery; such is the case with our proposed new high school.
   Now that the proposal costs are much closer to reality, it is easily clear to see how hurtful this amount of money would be to certain groups in our community, mainly people on fixed incomes, senior citizens or otherwise.
   Back when we were given the "bait and switch" number of $31 million, I felt it might be possible to bring in enough ratables over a 10-year period of time to offset a huge tax increase. Since the number has now risen to $66 million (and will not stop there), we must now recognize that the high school was a bad idea that we must put behind us and move on.
   Most likely getting involved in a regional program would be the best way out. It doesn’t seem as though there would be any possible way that our half, third or quarter could amount to $66 million.
   The people involved in education would like us to believe that there are only two or three other possible scenarios, but that’s because they are "snob" scenarios. I must not be a snob because I can think of four or five less expensive possibilities right now.
   Now that we have really had a look at the true costs that only people still in favor of a high school would be the selfish and the heartless.
   I urge voters to reject the proposal for a new high school this December and this time seriously consider alternatives.
Walter Ulinski