‘Representation’ infuriates Oceanport resident

Clare M. Farragher sure does a poor job representing me. I was aghast to read of her 53 junkets supposedly to keep up with her duties in the Assembly.

In this day of the Internet and other high-tech facilities at her disposal, it hardly seems necessary for her to be traipsing internationally, as well as nationally, to keep apprised of the best information available; this was about five trips a year!

When was she in New Jersey serving my interests?

Another thing that appalls me was her vote against insurance coverage of screening for cervical cancer, osteoporosis and breast cancer.

I am curious — does her insurance cover such screenings? Does she have health insurance paid for by the New Jersey taxpayers?

Farragher likened coverage for life-threatening diseases with hair transplants. Give me a break!

Gloria R. Filippone
