Letter to the editor
To the editor:
In her criticism of your editorial regarding the Committee for a Better Twin Rivers vs. the Twin Rivers Homeowners Association ("Twin Rivers story biased," Aug. 24, 2001, Page 8A), Linda Romanowski has some facts wrong. Our complaint does not seek personal information about Twin Rivers residents; we seek a current list of eligible voters. This allows candidates to direct their efforts to the residents who are allowed to vote. The idea that we want access to people’s personal records is preposterous.
As far as the property values in Twin Rivers, there is little inventory in this market. Townhouses, condos and detached homes in East Windsor are priced considerably lower than most of central New Jersey. Despite our community’s fine amenities, I seriously doubt that the TRHA has caused property values in Twin Rivers to rise.
Ms. Romanowski has attacked me and the CBTR on more than one occasion in the press and I have never even met her. She has no idea what my viewpoint is, other than what she is told by the TRHA and its supporters. There are no secrets as to our identities. Perhaps if Ms. Romanoski attended some of the monthly meetings, she could meet some of us.
Emily McDonald
East Windsor
The writer is a member of the Committee for a Better Twin Rivers.