Regency Park barbecue slated for Sunday

Regency Park Nursing Center, 3325 Route 35, Hazlet, will hold its 10th annual family barbecue Sept. 9 at noon (rain or shine).

The event is open to area seniors, and center residents and their families and will feature a kosher barbecue as well as entertainment by Joey Sudyka. Children’s activities will feature face painting, "Jimbo" the clown, and treats such as snow cones and cotton candy.

For more information or to R.S.V.P., call Harriet Otreba at (732) 264-5800.

Cross of Glory Church sets ‘Rally Day’ Sept. 9

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church, 95 Cambridge Drive, Aberdeen, will celebrate "Rally Day" on Sept. 9. The event will feature the opening of the Sunday church school at 9:15 a.m., and a family pot luck supper at 6 p.m.

For more information, call the church at (732) 583-1118.

Bayshore’s 11th annual Community Day Sept. 15

Bayshore Community Health Services will host its 11th annual 5K Classic Run, 3K Fitness Walk and Community Day Sept. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at Bayshore Community Hospital, 727 N. Beers St., Holmdel.

Fees are $15 (before Sept. 10) for the race and walk, and $17 day of race; and $8 for the kids race, which includes a T-shirt and medal. Awards will be given in various categories.

The event includes a free barbecue, musical entertainment, face painting, a moonwalk, giveaways, and various displays. Health screenings, such as blood pressure and pulmonary function, will be offered, as well as several health displays and body fat analysis.

Sponsors are Oxford Health Plans; Remsen Dodge, Hazlet; Straub Motors, Keyport; and Bayshore Greenhouses, Holmdel. For more information or to register, call the public relations department at (732) 739-5918.