Residents need to speak up on school redistricting plan

While we all have more important things occupying our minds these days, I urge Marlboro parents who live in Whittier Oaks West and the two other developments south of Route 520 and west of Route 9 to carefully examine the redistricting map for the new middle school. What you see may surprise you.

As you recall, the new middle school was slated to be built in the northeastern section of town because that is where the new development is taking place.

Why, then, are these three developments, the only ones west and south of the natural borders on the redistricting map, being sent to the new school?

The present four-mile ride to school will be doubled (at least) and our kids will spend upwards of 40 minutes on a school bus, twice a day. No other group of children in this township will have that long a commute to their middle school.

While the administration and the transportation department will use words such as "criteria," "socio-economics" and "demographics," our little corner of Marlboro seems to have literally been singled out. Are our children being used as filler for the new school? By looking at that map, I would have to say yes.

I urge parents in these developments, regardless of the ages of their children, to come out to the board meetings at the Marlboro Middle School on Oct. 2 and Oct. 11 to voice your concern.

Debra Ross
