Reverend appreciates support at service

Reverend appreciates
support at service

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Jackson Township Board of Education and the superintendent of schools for opening up the fine arts building of the high school for our prayer service held on Sept. 12.

I would also like to thank Mayor Joseph Grisanti and the Township Committee for being in attendance and taking an active role in this service. Our town was well served by the leadership of our elected officials.

As reported in the paper, during the time that I spoke at the prayer service, I called on our mayor and the Township Committee to open our Township Committee meetings with a word of prayer and not a moment of silence. As I consider those remarks now, I realize that I was wrong to bring that issue up in a public forum without first speaking to them in private.

I would ask them to forgive me for blind siding them with this issue. I do not want anyone to get the impression that our mayor or committeemen are against prayer or that they would stand in the way of people praying. The policy of silence has been part of the agenda before they were elected.

While I feel strongly about the issue of prayer, I am also committed to doing things decently and in order. Since the remarks I made were done in public, I offer this apology in a public forum and pray I will be forgiven.

During this time of our great national grief I pray we may all come together in unity and peace. Thank you and may God bless us all.

Rev. Tom Geoffroy
