Democratic candidates would keep the crime rate low

There are many services in Monroe Township that achieve high scores.

Some examples are our very high recycling rate, the large number of acres preserved as open space and the numerous programs for young and old alike through our excellent recreation center and senior center.

Then, there are low numbers of which we are also very proud. Monroe not only has the lowest tax rate of any municipality in Middlesex County, we also have the lowest crime rate. In the most recent New Jersey Annual Uniform Crime Report, Monroe reported 8.9 incidents per 1,000 citizens.

Although this low crime rate can be attributed to our rural nature and our large senior population, we cannot overlook the strong support of law enforcement and of safety programs voiced by our mayor and the Township Council.

This is one of the reasons council members Hank Miller and Joanne Connolly and council candidate Jerry Tamburro deserve our votes in November. Electing them will ensure continuation of the excellent policing that has kept our crime rate so low. I, for one, appreciate the peace of mind that results from this.

Arthur Wolke
