EDITORIAL: Accidents show need need for caution when driving local roads
This week’s death of Jose Ramirez in an auto accident on River Road the second fatality on that road this year should be a potent reminder to all to drive with caution on local roads.
According to police investigators, Mr. Ramirez’s vehicle left the road and struck a utility pole as he was heading south on River Road at a high speed.
We were reminded of the death of Paul Gubitosi, another young Hillsborough man, in almost the same spot earlier this year, when the vehicle he was driving also struck a pole after leaving the roadway while traveling very fast.
The gentle curves along River Road may seem very inviting to late night drivers, but as these cases demonstrate, the road is very deceiving. The road may seem like a safe place to go faster than the posted 45 mph speed limit, but please remember the hazards.
As a heavily traveled road, the surface can be covered with an oily film, which is very slick when wet. We couldn’t help but notice both fatalities occurred during times when recent storms may have left the roads damp.
The road also is crossed often by deer, heading toward the Millstone River. Encountering a deer after rounding a corner is always dangerous and local drivers always must be wary of them.
And one never knows what’s around the next bend a slow-moving vehicle, a truck moving across the center line, even a late-night jogger may be encountered.
Whether driving on River Road, Route 206 or Hillsborough Road, drive with care and caution.