Children’s artwork benefits firemen’s families.
By: Casha Caponegro
A child’s artwork is usually displayed in a prominent place on the family refrigerator so parents may admire and enjoy their child’s original creation.
But on Sunday, the artwork of local kids will bring joy to people outside their families.
Through the Cranbury Area Mother’s Club, a Kids’ Art Sale will be held in front of McCaffrey’s Food Store in West Windsor from 1 to 4 p.m. Proceeds will benefit widows and children of New York City firefighters.
"I have a friend in Ohio whose daughter is in kindergarten," said club president Noel Kinney. "It was originally her idea. When I told my daughter about it, she thought it was a great idea and asked if we could do it."
Ms. Kinney’s daughter, Emily, 4, is a student at the Cranbury Presbyterian Nursery School. In order to spread the word about the sale, Ms. Kinney contacted the school’s director, Janice Parker, for assistance.
"Ms. Parker has really been helping out a lot," said Ms. Kinney. "She gave all the parents a letter, letting them know about the sale."
The original artwork will be on sale for a minimum donation of $1. All proceeds from the sale will benefit the NYC Uniformed Firefighters Association Widows and Children’s Fund.
"The sale will specifically benefit the widows and children of New York firefighters," said Ms. Kinney. "After Sept. 11, they will need a lot of support."
Pictures or paintings may be submitted up until the sale on Sunday. They can be dropped off at the home of Noel Kinney, 116 N. Main St., or at Ms. Parker’s office at the Cranbury Presbyterian Nursery School.
Children of all ages are welcome to participate.
Anyone wishing to help out during the sale should contact Ms. Kinney at (609) 860-0766.