In his desire to perpetuate an internecine conflict between the Red Bank Public School and The Charter School as evidenced by the statements attributed him in the Nov. 16 issue of The Hub, Thomas Schroll’s criticism of Councilwoman Florence "Betti" Thompson totally ignores the facts.
The Charter School was not solicited to place its float at Riverside Gardens Park. Rather, it requested permission and it was granted. There is no reason to believe the same consideration would not have been extended to the Red Bank middle or primary schools had Schroll, his board, or the administration the imagination to ask.
The suggestion that Thompson is in conflict as both a member of the Borough Council and a trustee of The Charter School is a red herring. Presently there is no statutory prohibition from holding both positions, equivalent to N.J.S.A. 18A:12-2, which bars Board of Education members from holding municipal office. It is unfortunate that, at a time when communities are attempting to come together, Schroll and The Hub chose to inject a divisive note over a display designed to promote "peace in our community and beyond."
The Hub editorial taking Thompson to task appears to be more partisan hubris designed to stir the pot of dissension than a fair evaluation of a molehill that has been turned into a mountain. The complaining parents could have called Thompson or Borough Administrator Stanley Sickels and had their floats included.
Stafford W. Thompson
Red Bank
Editor’s note: Stafford Thompson is the husband of Councilwoman Florence "Betti" Thompson.