O.B. students made holiday happy for less fortunate

A great big thank you goes out to the student body of Carl Sandburg Middle School, Old Bridge, for collecting canned food items that were forwarded to the Old Bridge Elks, Lodge 2229, in preparation of Thanksgiving food baskets for needy families in Old Bridge.

The drive, which was organized by the Sandburg Student Council, gathered more then 800 canned food items and contributed to a happy holiday for 25 Old Bridge residents.

Each year we have come to count on your generosity, and you have never disappointed us. I wish you could have seen the smiles and heard the thanks lodge members received when delivering the baskets. It would have made all of you realize how much your contributions were appreciated.

On behalf of the members and officers of Old Bridge Lodge 2229, I would like to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season. You have demonstrated that young people are caring and understanding of those less fortunate.

Rich Williams


Community Welfare

Elks Lodge No. 2229

Old Bridge