Booster asks community to get behind rail trail project

I’m very interested in seeing the continued efforts to extend the Henry Hudson Trail. I learned too late about the public forums to make a stand or I would have been there to voice my support.

If there really are persons who are working against the trail extension, and I heard there might be, I submit that they need to work with the Monmouth County Heritage Trail volunteers, the Monmouth Citizens for Safe Bicycling and the national Rails-to-Trails officials and learn the true facts about the advantages of these trails.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are more benefits to a trail than not.

I use the Henry Hudson trail often and see a great number of folks who also do. Using the trail, I participate as a New Jersey Road Runners Club (NJRRC) member in the Henry Hudson 10-miler held in September.

As a member of NJRRC, I assist in cleaning a portion of the trail. As a Friends of the Parks supporter, I participate in the March for the Parks held in April. As a member of Rails-to-Trails, I have come to learn that the benefits of making more trails available include tourist dollars, health benefits, fewer cars on the roads, community cohesion and many more benefits.

As the creator and chairwoman of seven annual Deep Cut Spring Festivals where we make a considerable amount of profit for the parks, it is always my hope that the extensions of our wonderful parks and paths and trails will continue. It is with these efforts that I have come to appreciate the need even more so.

It is my hope that any interested parties who do not understand the concept can work with the Monmouth Citizens for Safe Bicycling, the Monmouth Heritage Trail folks and the national Rails-to-Trails to learn the facts. Both groups are more than willing and can be brought into this current discussion to lend their expertise. With the knowledge, we will be able to convince the doubtful that the project should go on.

Diana Burton
