Committee to reorganize Jan. 7
By cindy tietjen
Staff Writer
JACKSON — After successfully winning his bid for re-election in November, Joseph Grisanti is looking forward to serving the residents of Jackson for another three-year term.
Grisanti, who served as Jackson’s mayor in 2001, said the Township Com-mittee’s efforts during the year focused on a matter of primary importance to residents.
"We were very conscious about implementing programs that would help slow the growth in town," Grisanti said. "We revised the master plan to ensure that we could tone down zoning."
He said a Shade Tree Commission was established to prevent the unnecessary cutting down of trees. A professional forester was hired to help oversee the replacement of trees in the community.
The committee of five men who form the town’s governing body plans to hold its 2002 reorganization meeting at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7 at the municipal building. Under the Township Committee form of government, the committee members choose a person from among their ranks to serve as mayor for a one-year term.
Grisanti said he believes that Commit-teeman Michael Broderick will be selected as mayor for 2002 and that Committeeman Marvin Krakower will be tapped as Jackson’s deputy mayor. Both men are holding committee terms that will expire on Dec. 31, 2002.
Broderick has been on the committee since January 2000 and Krakower was sworn into office in April 2000.
In addition to Grisanti, Broderick and Krakower, the other committee members are Sean Giblin and Mike Kafton. All five members of the governing body are Democrats.
According to Grisanti, in the coming year the committee plans to focus on the recreational needs of the community.
"Some of the projects that we plan to focus on in 2002 are a roller hockey facility and a skate park," he said, noting that he has received a positive response to this plan from teen-agers who are excited they will have a place to go.
The committee meets on the second and fourth Monday of the month. For more information residents may visit the town’s Internet Web site,
"The dates and times of the Township Committee meetings and the Planning Board meetings are listed on the Web site," Grisanti said. "After the meetings, the minutes are posted on the Web site as well."
The Planning Board meets on the first and third Thursday of every month.