Board should atone, honor heroes on Veterans Day

Recently the editorial "Veterans Deserve Proper Recognition" appeared in the December edition of The Viking Vibe, South Brunswick High School’s student newspaper. Written by Jonathan Ferrer, the article was about observing the Nov. 11 Veterans Day holiday.

Ferrer, who should be commended for his article, pointed out that the South Brunswick school system was holding classes on a normal schedule while the rest of the United States left its daily routine to take part in this national celebration. The only acknowledgment given of this day of remembrance in South Brunswick was a sentence on the morning Viking Television Network (VTN) announcements.

To quote Ferrer, "… especially in this time of national insecurity, when we need to unite and come together as a country, it is sometimes thought of as un-American and disrespectful to not have at least recognition and more than just a sentence on VTN."

Just a sentence on VTN. This is how the many thousands of veterans that served our nation in times of peace and war are honored by the South Brunswick school board.

The South Brunswick school board makes the decision on what days the schools will be closed to celebrate holidays. Obviously it did not feel this holiday warranted a day off from school. The school board can atone for this insult to all veterans by enabling South Brunswick to be the first school district in the state to make November "Veterans History Month," to celebrate the service and sacrifices that have made the United States of America what it is today.

John G. O’Sullivan

Monmouth Junction section

of South Brunswick