PLUMSTED — New Egypt Elemen-tary School will be hosting its first "Rawk Show." (That’s "rock show" for those not in the know). The event will take place on Feb. 16 from 7-11 p.m. Six bands, including one from New Egypt High School and one from New York, will be performing. Refreshments and band merchandise will be sold.
The event is being held as a fund-raiser for Ocean County Girl Scout Troop 258. Six girls — Taryn DeNatale, Jenna Pascale, Crystal Faries, Nicole Fornario, Tara Hathaway and Laura Riley — are planning a trip to Italy this summer and are trying to raise funds for the journey.
According to a press release, most troops consist of girls from their local area; Troop 258 is unique because it consists of girls from opposite ends of Ocean County — New Egypt, Jackson, Barnegat and Waretown.
The show idea was the brainchild of New Egypt High School student Dan Tronco, the boyfriend of one of the girls in the troop, who just started his own band. While he will not be performing at this event, it is hoped that if successful, this may become an annual event, according to organizers.
Admission will be $7 at the door. Advertisers are needed to sponsor the event to help defray show costs. Program ads start at $25 for a business card-size ad and go up to $150 for a two-page spread. Boosters are being accepted at $1 a word.
To sponsor this event or for more information contact Karen Riley at (609) 758-8082 and leave a message or e-mail her at [email protected].