Current Friends group is lacking in service efforts for park

I was pleased to read the excellent article you printed about Dan Sivilich and the good work he is doing with the state of New Jersey and the group called BRAVO.

I was appalled to read a letter to you (Jan. 23, News Transcript) in which the only accurate fact was that Dan was a founder of the Friends of Monmouth Battle-field.

The state of New Jersey has fully recognized the Battlefield Restoration and Archaeological Volunteer Organization. BRAVO is the only volunteer organization authorized to work statewide. BRAVO has volunteered service to Old Tennent Church and Princeton Battlefield among many others.

As one of the founding members of the Friends group at Mon-mouth Battlefield, I am proud of what we accomplished in the first seven years, starting by helping to save the Rhea House from destruction.

I am sorry to see the lack of service by the group since the current president took office and that he has broken the court order again by writing to (a newspaper).

BRAVO and Dan Sivilich have gone on to offer real service to the state. The volunteer members of BRAVO are proud to continue working to further the understanding of history.

Nancy M. Gahn

State Park Police, retired

Freehold Township