Inept accounting confuses and angers East Brunswick resident

Watching the East Brunswick Township Council meeting of Jan. 28 was taxing for any responsible person attempting to learn the truth. A major portion of the meeting was devoted to explaining to the residents why the new Police Training Facility was built and also some of the economics associated with it.

We all know that in the past, prior to year 2000, the East Brunswick officers were being trained out of town at a cost of approximately $25,000. This cost was not questioned by anyone, since it was a reasonable cost, considering travel requirements to distant firing ranges. We also know that the new facility was built at a cost of $1.4 million.

The mayor was asked, regarding his statement to the newspaper, how could he say, "We’re close now to breaking even"? He was further asked, considering that the facility cost $1.4 million, how much money did it bring in last year? He said the facility brought in $36,500. This same figure was stated by Township Finance Officer L. Mason Neely. Business Administrator James White stated $44,000. The revenue was 3 percent of the total capital cost, and they call it close to breaking even. I was shocked by their ineptness in accounting principles.

When asked the amount of the operating cost for the facility last year, Mr. Neely stated that the cost for heat, telephone, etc., was $30,000, and the interest on the note was $33,000. I found that hard to believe since the East Brunswick budget for 2001 states that the interest on notes, $1.2 million at 3.75 percent, is $45,000. The budget also states that heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) at $3.57 per square foot times 14,000 square feet is $50,000.

I was dazed by the end of the meeting, by the answers which were so different from the budget figures. The council’s reasoning should be questioned. The only sense this meeting had was nonsense, and it was lacking in horse sense.

Danny Carbone

East Brunswick