Nothing should surprise me these days, yet certain individuals never cease to amaze us. You would think that a newly elected committeeman would seek to work collaboratively with the existing governing body in Millstone Township in order to learn about municipal government and discuss ways to make Millstone a better place to live. Instead he continues to build a wall between himself and the existing committeemen and aligns himself with individuals who promote their own agenda through him.
You would think that a newly elected committeeman would work toward building bridges instead of burning them for the sake of the residents of Millstone Township, but instead he consistently points fingers and promotes divisiveness.
You would think that a newly elected committeeman would stand behind his promise for open and honest government, however he surrounds himself with individuals whose motives are questionable and "concurs" with the things they say.
The residents of Millstone Township deserve better than this, John Pfefferkorn. If you truly had the interests of our citizens in mind during your campaign, you surely would not be behaving in the way that you have since you took office.
Your conduct at the last township meeting was disgraceful when you verbally attacked Deputy Mayor Cory Wingerter.
He has done more for this town than you will ever know. Instead of attacking him, you should be thanking him for his years of service and hundreds of hours of unheralded duty to this town.
Mayor Evan Maltz should also be commended for rising to the occasion and, as usual, acting with enormous integrity and professionalism.
You should take notes, Mr. Pfefferkorn. You seem to lack the professionalism and interpersonal skills that we have come to expect in the leaders of our great township.
Since you took office, the township has received several resignations. While we don’t want to assume that the two are related, we have to wonder — why? This should be looked into before others follow suit.
Two weeks ago, Bill Kastning, one of your cohorts, wrote a Your Turn column in "The Examiner" in which he stated, "What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive."
Interestingly, he was referring to other committee members, however, after the most recent report that was released, it is clear; Mr. Kastning has weaved his own tangled web.
It is appalling that this man very obviously and intentionally worked in deceptive ways as a member of MOST, yet he still shouts from the rooftops that he did nothing wrong and now questions the integrity of the investigative firm, which conducted the investigation. Poor Bill. He’s following in the steps of Bill Clinton after George W. Bush was elected. He just can’t pull himself away from the spotlight. Mr. Pfefferkorn, you should think twice about the people you surround yourself with.
John & Lynn Mele