Plumsted eyes lowest tax rate in county

TOWN TALK by Ron Dancer: News and views from the mayor of Plumsted.

Plumsted eyes lowest tax rate in county
For the 13th consecutive year, the Township Committee approved the introduction of a municipal budget that maintains a stable tax rate. Introduced Feb. 11, the 2002 budget is $3.18 million and has a 12-cent local tax rate, which is the lowest of 33 municipalities in Ocean County.
While the governor has ruled out state aid increases, the state has instructed municipalities to introduce 2002 budgets with the same amount of state aid received last year, which Plumsted complied with.
Township Committee members Ken Francis, Ada Roberts, Bonnie Quesnel and Deputy Mayor Joe Przywara are to be commended for maintaining a no tax rate increase budget for 13 years. With financial planning and saving since 1990, and federal, state and county aid, as well as grants, the Township Committee plans later this summer to open to the public its first new municipal building complex, presently under construction, without incurring debt or a tax increase. The new 20,000-square foot, $2 million municipal building is paid for in cash.
The budget contains a dedicated trust fund for the township’s land preservation programs to save more wooded and farmland from being developed. Plumsted leads the county in preserving wooded and farmland from development with more than 2,500 acres preserved and another 1,000 acres targeted.
The budget also provides $40,000 that the Township Committee pledged for its local cost share to be one of two municipalities in the state to be awarded the N.J. Main Street Program to continue the improvements in the historic town center of New Egypt.
Under the 2002 spending plan, The Township Committee has funded the hiring of another full-time police officer, who is currently part time, and will purchase another new police car. An additional part-time park security officer also will be hired. Plumsted now has its first 24/7 Police Department.
The Township Committee would like to open the recycling center on Wednesday afternoons and needs a supervisor. Anyone interested in a part-time job for their community, please contact the township. Free wood chips are now available to Plumsted residents at our branch and leaf recycling drop-off site on Magnolia Avenue on Saturday mornings as long as the supply lasts.
The next regularly scheduled meeting and citizen comment period with Township Committee members Ken Francis, Ada Roberts, Bonnie Quesnel and Deputy Mayor Joe Przywara is Feb. 25. Residents can preview our business agenda, to the extent known, 48 hours prior to the meeting on our Web site:
The township’s Web site also features an e-mail link for residents to directly communicate with your mayor and committee and listen to your concerns on a daily basis.
Ron Dancer is the mayor of Plumsted Township. He can be reached at 758-2241, township; 758-3497, home; or [email protected].