Michael Mostoller
Princeton Borough candidate,
Princeton Regional Board of Education
This is a town that cares about education in an extraordinary way. We all care deeply about the who, how, what, where and why of our schools. At any adult gathering the conversation almost always comes back to the schools. We are a concerned community.
Because of this we have a great school district. But this is a time when more than care is required. We are entering a period of almost total upheaval of our daily school life in an extensive rebuilding campaign. To get these buildings built expeditiously and in concordance with the plans, to incorporate the many interests affected by the construction, requires specific expertise and experience at the board level. The concerns and cares of the many participants in our school program students, teachers, coaches, administrators, parents, architects, contractors, city officials, building officials, state agencies, institutions and more must be handled and implemented in a coherent and organized process. I have 30 years’ experience in design and building.
The district needs its interests protected and executed and payments approved for work done. There must be experienced oversight of the district’s monitoring of the construction managers, architects and contractors. I know this process and can help oversee it wisely and fairly to maintain the high quality of our school program. I propose, in addition, that we expand the planned school construction committees to become a stakeholders’ forum, on a biweekly schedule, to review the construction progress. This would bring all the participants to a job meeting that reviews and considers the many interests, actions and concerns a construction campaign entails. Decisions have to be made. This is an essential element.
At the same time we need to do more than monitor the construction and maintain our programs. Our academic, artistic and particularly our athletic programs need strengthening. For example, we now need experienced coaches and support for their efforts in three vital boys sports, we have no freshman lacrosse, the girls field hockey and lacrosse could use an assistant coach. The quality of achievement of all academic proficiency levels must be raised. I am committed to pursuing and achieving excellence across the school spectrum for every student and every program.
I have been a teacher and administrator for many years. I will bring this experience to this task. We also need more than stability, i.e., the same board. We need action, not stasis. The construction campaign itself creates a need for new expertise, experience and energy as we go forward. Let’s move on to a new phase with new people. We all care. I can help. Let’s start working together now. Please e-mail me at [email protected] with your ideas and concerns and see more of my position at
Thanks! See you at the polls!