Food and Zoning Board hearings are a bad mix

Food and Zoning Board
hearings are a bad mix

I t might seem like a nice idea to some, but we think it’s a silly and a bad idea to let an applicant serve food at a board hearing.

The Middletown town square application is certainly a huge drawing card, but what kind of precedent is the Middletown Zoning Board setting by allowing the Mountain Hill Group to feed supporters outside the hearing room.

At a previous meeting of the Middletown Township Committee, which drew a large crowd of both pro- and con-town center residents, the developer offered hots dogs and beverages outside the courtroom.

While that was surprising and seemed a bit odd, it was quickly forgotten.

Now that the actual Zoning Board hearings are getting under way, the board better give some serious thought to what kind of precedent it is setting.

A Mountain Hill Group flier, circulated in advance of Thursday’s town center hearing, not only urged people to turn out to support the plans, but noted, "We will be serving food prior to the meeting, and you’re more than welcome to join us."

While it noted that the meeting started at 8 p.m., directions to Middletown High School South on the back of the flier suggested people show up at 7:15 p.m.

This may seem like nit-picking. But, come on.

What’s going to happen when people get tired of hot dogs and subs (the latter were offered Thursday)?

These hearings are expected to last a long time. By the end, will the fare be upgraded to a three-course meal, as a thank you to audience members who had the stamina to stick it out so long.

Let’s nip this in the bud.